Tuesday, August 12, 2008


So-I got a new job. It's official today as I finally got my badge. It's a good picture so I figure it's kismet.
I am now employed by Hobby Lobby at their corporate compound in the Creative Department as a crafter. Yes people, you read that right, I'm a professional crafter. I get to spend the day making things with my hands, playing with glitter, glue, paint and scissors. I still have a hard time believing that this is a real job, but after one paycheck thus far, I guess it is, at least according to FICA.
I actually wake up and can't wait to get to work. I haven't ever known what it's like to make a living doing something you love until now. I hope it continues to be as exciting as the past two weeks have been.
I was leery about telling my boss I had defected because, well, because I sort of felt like I was a deserter. I knew they'd make it without me, heck, they did fine before I got there, nevertheless, I was nervous. The news came out and I felt a load rise off my shoulders as my boss smiled and said that she was happy for me and I think she really was.
On another note, I, along with fellow etsians Claudiasburningink, JD Star and TaranehsBazaar (check their links to the right) are heading to the big D, or Dallas as some call it for the Show Pony Show (See the flyerto the right or check them out at www.showponyshow.blogspot.com) on Sunday the 17th. If you're in the Dallas area or feel like a roadtrip, come see us! There's even going to be a real pony there from noon-2pm. Yeehaw!

Paste out

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